Our commissions at the Cluster Digital Africa are among others:

1- "Strategic Partnerships, Project Monitoring & Evaluation" Commission
2- Commission "Training, Education, Research & Innovations, Startup and Entrepreneurship,
3- Commission "eGovernment and eCitizen (Ehealth, CSR),
4- Commission "Event, Communication & Public Relations",
5- "Agritech, GreenTech & Environment" Smart Cities Commission, "Energy" Commission,
6- "Block-Chain, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, "ebanking, LegalTech" Commission,
7- Commission "Networks and infrastructures Commission, Cyber ​​Security"
8- "Creative Industry, Art and Culture" Commission,
9- Free Trade Zone Commission,
10- Metaverse BootCamp commission

*Roles of Committee Members and Benefits*
The members, after having joined the commissions, have the role of electing the presidents of the commissions, developing an action plan, ensuring the application of THE action PLAN, perpetuating the actions of the commissions, reporting to the Governance of the Cluster Digital Africa on the state of progress of the actions within the commissions…

*Benefit of being Cluster Digital Africa Ambassadors*
In addition to being a member of the commissions, CDA ambassadors have the advantage of being trainers (dealing with topics in webinars), as well as Certified Coaches. They can also give certified training, the Cluster Digital Africa is also responsible for communicating on all the activities in which they will participate or that they will initiate in the context of development through digital.

- Create your account on the CDASOCIAL social network: https://clusterdafrica.com/

You join a committee on a voluntary basis.

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