Read how a pizzeria in Michigan is embracing the power of digital assets by accepting Bitcoin as payment. Crypto’s inclusivity has the potential to connect businesses with new and often untapped markets -

If there was ever a time for Congress to utilize and fulfill its Article I powers, it’s now. An out of control SEC head with an army of misguided lawyers is trying to take an entire industry and ship innovation overseas. Congress MUST listen to the people! #crypto #bitcoin

By adopting blockchain for financial transactions, Maine can create a more inclusive and efficient financial ecosystem." READ here to learn more about the unlocking power that #blockchain brings to communities across the US. 🇺🇸👏

Don't be misled by outdated perceptions. Cryptocurrency is shaping the future. It's time we support the technology that's changing our economy for the better!

Today marks two years since I fled an abusive relationship using #bitcoin. I volunteer at two local DV shelters to help other women do the same. I am overly passionate (and sometimes overly defensive) about bitcoin. I think my quest might be a little easier moving forward 😂 #BitcoinETFs

Happy to be where I am today, with this crazy crew, and being a part of bitcoin adoption. It truly is freedom money 🧡

* literal picture of how I see myself when I left…except in a van…and with a hardware wallet

Lawmakers cannot keep treating their constituents like criminals. Crypto is transforming the way families and business transact and invest in their future.

, you can make VA a thriving state for innovation and cutting edge tech!

Blockchain and digital assets are transforming the way artists create, own, and generate revenue off of their work. California is a leader for our nation's creative minds! We need
to protect our artists and the future of #DigitalAssets

Smugglers using cash over bitcoin? Who knew that carrying $125 million in cash is safer for money launderers despite risks like theft, border control, and paper trails from flights and hotels? We did. And we told you so.


JUST IN: 🇺🇸 US Senator Cynthia Lummis responds to Elizabeth Warren, saying fiat currency has laundered over $900 million, compared to only $900,000 in crypto.

"Crypto is clearly not the problem. Criminals and bad actors are."

Lawmakers cannot keep treating their constituents like criminals. Crypto is transforming the way families and business transact and invest in their future.

, you can make VA a thriving state for innovation and cutting edge tech!

Blockchain is solving problems that otherwise wouldn't have a solution, even in the real estate market.

We need
to support this revolutionary technology for their constituents, towns, and cities across Maryland.

Torres makes progressive case for digital assets.... today's tipsheet


* Progressive case for crypto: "If you’re concerned about the concentrated power of 'Big Tech' and Wall Street, there’s a compelling alternative to be found in crypto."

* Stablecoin law: "I could imagine a regime of tiered regulation in which… if a stablecoin reaches a certain size or passes a certain threshold, then it’s primarily subject to federal regulation."

* The SEC: "I fundamentally disagree with the approach that [Chair Gary Gensler] has taken with respect to crypto. The first has been… a lack of regulatory clarity..."

* Ethereum ETF: "If it’s compliant with the law, then it should be granted approval."

* The generational divide in Congress: "...there’s a new generation of Members – like myself and [Rep. Wiley Nickel (D, NC)] – who are much more receptive to the potentialities of emerging technologies..."

* Regarding the CRA resolution on SAB 121: "If it came to the floor for a vote, I would vote for it."

is leading the way in innovation for the great state of Georgia! They recently hosted a senior member from
's office to tour their facility and learn how Bitcoin and blockchain is transforming Georgia's communities for the better. #bitcoin #Georgia

is leading the way in innovation for the great state of Georgia! They recently hosted a senior member from
's office to tour their facility and learn how Bitcoin and blockchain is transforming Georgia's communities for the better. #bitcoin #Georgia

Crypto 🤝 Small Businesses

Michigan Bistro now accepting Bitcoin and crypto! Exciting to see small businesses utilizing technology to lower their payment fees.



No Clarity Gary gets a CLEAR message from the courts on his biased abuse of power against the crypto industry!

Blockchain levels the financial playing field, and underbanked communities are reducing their reliance on expensive third parties and forging a path to financial freedom.

🎓🚀 Rentrée Académique 2024 au CIRTIC ! 🌟💼

Cher(e)s passionné(e)s d'innovation et d'artisanat,

La rentrée académique au CIRTIC approche à grands pas et nous sommes impatients de vous accueillir pour une nouvelle année riche en découvertes et en apprentissage ! 📚✨ Au delà de nos programmes certifiants, nous ouvrons à partir de septembre l'accès à nos formation diplômants sur les métiers manuels au niveaux CAP et BT.

🛠️ Vous rêvez de maîtriser les métiers manuels tout en explorant les dernières technologies et techniques innovantes ? Ne cherchez plus, le CIRTIC est l'endroit qu'il vous faut ! 💡

🔥 Notre mission ? Vous offrir des formations de qualité qui allient tradition et modernité, pour vous préparer aux défis de demain dans les domaines de la menuiserie, de la chaudronnerie, de l'électricité et bien plus encore.

🎯 Que vous soyez un jeune enthousiaste à la recherche de votre voie professionnelle ou un professionnel expérimenté désireux de perfectionner vos compétences, nos programmes sont conçus pour répondre à vos besoins et aspirations.

💬 Êtes-vous prêt(e) à transformer votre passion en une carrière épanouissante et innovante ? Rejoignez-nous dès maintenant au CIRTIC et découvrez un monde où l'artisanat rencontre la technologie de pointe !

📆 Rendez-vous en septembre 2024 pour une rentrée inoubliable ! 🌟💼 Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour plus d'informations sur nos formations et laissez-nous vous accompagner vers la réussite.

Amadou Diawara Mamadou Doumbia Ahoua Idrissa Ly Cluster Digital Africa

hashtag#CIRTIC hashtag#RentréeAcadémique hashtag#formation hashtag#innovation hashtag#MétiersManuels hashtag#artisanat hashtag#technologie hashtag#carriere hashtag#passion

During Smart Africa 13th CAR Meeting on 17-18 April 2024 in Malawi, the outgoing President of CAR, Mr. Celestin Kadjidja, President of ARCEP Gabon, was honored for his country's leadership during his tenure. A new President of CAR was elected, Mr. Mamady Doumbouya, DG of ARPT of Guinea, represented by his Deputy DG, Mr. Adama CONDE. Additionally, a new Vice President of CAR was elected, Mrs. Mary Mungai, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Communications Authority of Kenya.

During Smart Africa 13th CAR Meeting on 17-18 April 2024 in Malawi, the outgoing President of CAR, Mr. Celestin Kadjidja, President of ARCEP Gabon, was honored for his country's leadership during his tenure. A new President of CAR was elected, Mr. Mamady Doumbouya, DG of ARPT of Guinea, represented by his Deputy DG, Mr. Adama CONDE. Additionally, a new Vice President of CAR was elected, Mrs. Mary Mungai, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Communications Authority of Kenya.

🎓Découvrez le CFP-CIRTIC - Votre Porte vers l'Excellence Professionnelle !🚀

Vous aspirez à une carrière gratifiante dans les métiers manuels ou à posséder des compétences de gestion de pointe pour exceller dans votre domaine ? Le Centre de Formation Professionnelle du Centre d'Innovation de Recherche Technologique et d'Industrie Créative (CFP-CIRTIC) est votre solution tout-en-un !

🔹Formation aux Métiers Manuels🔹
Obtenez un avantage concurrentiel sur le marché du travail en obtenant des diplômes de niveau CAP et BT. Nos programmes de formation pratique sont conçus pour vous préparer efficacement à réussir dans des métiers tels que la menuiserie, la mécanique, l'électricité et bien d'autres encore.

🔹Certifications Professionnelles🔹
Distinguez-vous avec nos certifications professionnelles de haute qualité dans les métiers manuels et les compétences en gestion. Que vous soyez un professionnel chevronné cherchant à actualiser vos compétences ou un novice cherchant à entrer sur le marché du travail, nos programmes certifiés sont adaptés à vos besoins.

🔹Formations à la Demande🔹
Donnez un coup de pouce à votre entreprise ou industrie avec nos formations sur mesure. Du renforcement des compétences spécifiques à la résolution de problèmes complexes, notre équipe expérimentée est prête à répondre à vos besoins de formation de manière flexible et efficace.

Ne laissez pas cette opportunité de transformer votre avenir professionnel avec le CFP-CIRTIC. Rejoignez-nous dès aujourd'hui et commencez votre voyage vers le succès !

Pour plus d'informations sur nos services, visitez notre
💻site internet :
📞contactez-nous directement au (223) 90 66 14 22/ 74 11 51 41

Votre avenir commence ici !

Mamadou Doumbia Amadou Diawara Cluster Digital Afrique

#Formationprofessionnelle #CFP #CIRTIC #MétiersManuels #DiplômesCAP #DiplômesBT #CertificationsProfessionnelles #Gestion #RenforcementDeCapacité #industriecreative #FormationSurMesure #ExcellenceProfessionnelle #competences #carriere

Le lancement de l'initiative KIX en #RDC représente une étape cruciale dans l'engagement continu du pays pour la réussite de ce programme. Cet important événement a réuni les principaux acteurs du secteur éducatif, offrant un cadre d'échange pour évaluer collectivement les priorités éducatives du gouvernement congolais.
👉Plus d'informations :
#education #KIXAfrique21

Le Président Diawara tient à anticiper et à féliciter chaleureusement Urmine GOUNONGBE MEDENOU, Directrice de Médès Médias et promotrice du Salon Afrique Unie S.A.U, pour son rôle imminent dans notre E-CONFERENCE le 20 mars 2024.

Urmine, diplômée en Génie Électrique et titulaire d'un master en Marketing et Développement Commercial, apportera son expérience de plus de 15 ans dans les médias panafricains, démontrant son engagement envers la diaspora africaine et l'Afrique.

En tant qu'experte en communication et marketing, sa contribution au panel sur l'Éducation et l'Autonomisation Économique des Femmes, en explorant l'entrepreneuriat, l'éducation financière et l'impact sur la jeunesse, promet d'être une source d'inspiration.

Rejoignez-nous le 20 mars pour cette discussion captivante. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant : [lien d'inscription].

#CDAEConference #WomenEmpowerment #educationfinanciere #ClusterDigitalAfrica

Rejoignez Urmine et d'autres experts pour une discussion stimulante! Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant:

#CDAEConference #WomenEmpowerment #educationfinanciere

Join Sedispace – Your Gateway to a Global Community!

Are you a forward-thinking professional, innovator, or entrepreneur from #morocco, #algeria, #tunisia, #Libya, #Egypt, #Sudan, #Iraq, #Syria, #Lebanon, #Jordan, #Palestine, #Saudi #Arabia, #uae, #qatar, #Bahrain, #kuwait, #oman, or anywhere in the #middle #East and #North #africa region?

Look no further! Sedispace welcomes you to a vibrant platform that transcends borders, connecting brilliant minds and fostering collective intelligence.

Why Sedispace?

Collective Intelligence: Engage with a diverse global network, tapping into the collective wisdom of professionals from various backgrounds.

Global Community: Connect with like-minded individuals not only locally but across the Middle East and North Africa – a hub of innovation and potential collaborations.

#language Diversity: Break language barriers! Sedispace supports communication in multiple languages, ensuring everyone can participate and share their insights effectively.

#Download Now: Join the movement! Download the Sedispace app now and become part of a dynamic community that values collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and growth.

Unlock Opportunities: Whether you are in #Cairo, #Algiers, #Tunis, #rabat, #Beirut, #Damascus, #Baghdad, #Riyadh, #Jeddah, #Doha, #kuwait City, or #Muscat – Sedispace opens doors to endless possibilities.

Ready to be part of something bigger? Embrace the power of collective intelligence. Join Sedispace today!

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Cluster Digital Africa (CDA) E-Conference for International Women's Day!


Panel 1 - Women's Rights: Progress, Challenges, and the Fight for Equality
Panel 2 - Women's Health: Access to Healthcare, Reproductive Rights, and Combating Discrimination
Panel 3 - Women's Political Participation: Representation, Leadership, and Equal Opportunities
Panel 4 - Education and Economic Empowerment of Women: Entrepreneurship, Financial Education, and Impact on Youth

🗓️ Date: March 20, 2024
🕙 Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM GMT
📍 Location: Online on SediSpace

Join us on March 20, 2024, for a day of inspiring discussions on Women's Empowerment: challenges, opportunities, and perspectives.

🔗 For more information:

🌐 Main Theme: "Empowerment of Women: Challenges, Opportunities, and Perspectives"
🔍 Inclusive Panels:

Women's Rights: Progress, Challenges, and the Fight for Equality
Women's Health: Access to Healthcare, Reproductive Rights, and Combating Discrimination
Women's Political Participation: Representation, Leadership, and Equal Opportunities
Education and Economic Empowerment of Women: Entrepreneurship, Financial Education, and Impact on Youth
Why participate?

Engage with passionate experts.
Discover the latest advancements in women's empowerment.
Contribute to meaningful discussions on women's rights, health, politics, and education.
📌 Register now!
👉 Registration Link :

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a conversation that inspires change. Invite your friends, colleagues, and loved ones to participate!

#EmpowerWomen #CDAConference #InternationalWomensDay #ChangeMakers #africa #Mali #algeria #Paris #newyork #Microsoft #Afrique #europe #america #nigeria #senegal #guinea #UnitedStates #berlin #sedispace #collectiveintelligence #GlobalNetwork #LanguageDiversity #DownloadNow #morocco #tunisia #Libya #Egypt #Sudan #Iraq #Syria #Lebanon #Jordan #Palestine #saudiarabia #uae #qatar #Bahrain #kuwait #oman #Cairo #Algiers #Tunis #rabat #Beirut #Damascus #Baghdad #Gulf #Riyadh #Jeddah #Doha #kuwaitCity #Muscat #amadoudiawara #DiawaraAmadou #ClusterDigitalAfrica #DanishEmbassyMali